Swarm Catcher Rules of Engagement

    • Andy Olson is our assigned Swarm Coordinator for CCBA. Debbie Roos often receives calls about swarms as well.


    • Anyone contacting Debbie Roos at the Extension or contacting our Swarm Coordinator phone on our website about a possible swarm needing retrieval will be vetted for accuracy – honeybees (not wasps), the risks of retrieval, location, etc.


    • The information will be passed on immediately via our CCBANC listserv. The post will contain the subject line: CCBA SWARM ALERT that can be used to filter messages for folks monitoring the list for swarms.


    • The information passed in the post will only contain a general description of the area in the county, and whatever description has been given the coordinator about the swarm, along with the contact phone number of the person calling in the swarm. The first beekster that calls and arranges for retrieval MUST immediately inform the list that the call is taken.


    • It is critical that we all follow these rules so that both the swarm catcher and individual with the swarm are not inundated or confused by multiple calls and/or visits.